
Ozark Voluntaryist Community

Liberate the Ozarks!

Why Voluntaryism?

There are several justifications of voluntaryism, but most voluntaryists base their belief on a moral value or presumption we call the Non-Aggression Principle, or NAP.

While almost everyone respects the NAP ("the rights of others") in their personal lives, voluntaryists also apply this principle to social life. People cannot delegate rights they do not have. Neither governments, nor their agents, have a superior moral status to normal people.

The Meetup app has a place to post voluntaryist meetings, events, and get-togethers.

The Ozark Voluntaryist Community has a Discord channel: https://discord.gg/SyWTp5A



Ozark Voluntaryist Community

Liberate the Ozarks!

Why Voluntaryism?

There are several justifications of voluntaryism, but most voluntaryists base their belief on a moral value or presumption we call the Non-Aggression Principle, or NAP.

While almost everyone respects the NAP ("the rights of others") in their personal lives, voluntaryists also apply this principle to social life. People cannot delegate rights they do not have. Neither governments, nor their agents, have a superior moral status to normal people.

The Meetup app has a place to post voluntaryist meetings, events, and get-togethers.

The Ozark Voluntaryist Community has a Discord channel: https://discord.gg/SyWTp5A

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