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These two broad areas, destroying the legitimacy of state and building parallel structures, are particularly important for USAmericans in the 21st century. The US is the last remaining empire ("superpower"), and, as all empires eventually do, is well on its way to disintegration. Empires hang themselves on their own rope - the rope of empirial overstretch, massive spending, and hyperinflation. The US will very likely devolve in the first half of the 21st century, much as the USSR did at the end of the 20th century. The breakup will be a crisis and an opportunity. The critical importance of the two strategies is this: When the US breaks up, it will go one of two ways. Either people will call for a new tyrant, or people will opt for new, smaller political entities. Revolutionary France had its crisis and got Napolean; Germany had its hyperinflation crisis and got Hitler. On the other hand, the USSR had its crisis and devolved into many entities, with most of them a lot better off than under the Soviet yoke. Even the countries that were immediately worse off, had better long-term prospects than before.

Whether the US people will demand a Hitler or peacefully devolve into 50 or 60 smaller entities is an open question. But if we anarchist are successful in delegitimizing the state in enough people's minds, we may tip the balance to devolution. And if we have constructed enough parallel structures, money to use when the state's fiat money becomes worthless, rights protection systems, and mutual aid organizations, the transition from overarching state to panarchy need not be too wrenching. May USAmericans adjust as well and as peacefully as most former Soviet subjects did!

Lists of Specific Actions

There are two excellent lists of methods or techniques for direct action. One is from The Methods of Nonviolent Action by Gene Sharp (Boston 1973.) The other is from 101 Things To Do 'Til The Revolution (1999) by Claire Wolfe.
"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." - Claire Wolfe.
Against Authority page 111
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